Monday, October 22, 2007


Last night was very entertaining, and scary.

Middle of the day:Erich and I are doing what we both do on a Sunday;gaming. We're level-grinding along on Maplestory when suddenly BOOM. His computer just turns off. At first we looked at my computer, make sure it wasn't an outage. But my computer was fine. It wasn't running on battery or anything. So we kinda scratch our heads....then the smell of overcooked plastic reaches my nostrils. We both look at each other, then it's a mad scramble to get the case off so we can see what happened.
The power supply went through a total melt down. Luckily, everything else was completely untouched. Thank God-motherboards are expensive crap! So we call the guy who made the computer for us, BDD, and he says he just gave his last power supply away. Apparently he's been using that power supply for years. Go figure.
So now, Erich's itching to get it fixed, and decides to take an extremely old power supply from a dell, and put it into the computer. Nothing happens. We think it's because the power supply is very small, can't be more than 200V, so there's no way it can run his gaming computer. So, we're forced to agree that it's time to get a new one.
Now here's were things get scary: Erich decides that maybe it's something the power supply is hooked to, so he takes the blackened power supply and hooks it to the Dell and turns the thing on. This is what happens when I don't watch him. *sigh*
HUGE white sparks shoot out, along with a particularly snappy crackle noise. He jumps back, moving very quickly for an big guy. After verifying that he a) didn't get electrocuted, and b) didn't completely destroy the Dell, I grounded him from playing with the computer parts.
He finally wheedled his way into my good graces, so I let him take apart the now completely blackened power supply, for amusement purposes.
The other thing is now Erich needs a new power supply. While I have no problem in getting him said power supply, I just got into the habit of saving, and don't want to jeopardize that. It's severely hard for me to save money, and I don't want to feel all stressed out all over again. So I'm asking him to wait to buy it until Friday. He can use my laptop in the meantime to check his email and stuff, but I'd prefer to wait.
Now I must prepare for the bribery that will set forth. It's gonna be a long week. Made even longer with the use of one computer.
And it's going to be hard for me to share my lappy, knowing that he will be using her. Knowing that he just HAD to have the computer BDD wanted to sell him. How I just had to BUY it before September was over. *sigh* He's so funny when it comes to shiny stuff.
Anywho. Gotta get ready for the work day.
Oh, other side note-these drugs make it so hard to sleep. I'm supposed to take them 8 hours apart to avoid the uncommon side effect of seizures. But doing so means taking on at 7:00, which is when I get up, and then taking one at 3:00. That means the sleeplessness that usually lasts for 8 hours of the drugs effects wont wear off until 11:00PM. I refuse to stay up that late.
So, my choices are: lose sleep, crash anyways. Or take drugs 6 hours apart, and maybe up my chances for seizures. Hmmmm....choices.


*jen* said...

LOL! At least he didn't set fire to anything. I was wondering why we hadn't seen ya'll around in Maple Story.

Stephanie said...

What server are you on?